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Protect your brand by registering other domain extensions. Don’t let your competitors snatch up valuable domain names or extensions.



What is .biz?

The .biz domain extension was created initially to give individuals, and you guessed it, businesses, more choice in their domain registration. With the .com registry running out of potentially unique, catchy domains for businesses, .biz is an excellent alternative for those in need. There are no legal or specific geographic qualifications required to register a .biz domain, unlike some TLDs, which means you can use this domain extension for anything you want.. Including a fun domain such as!

Why Register a .Biz Domain?

The .biz domain instantly brands your website as being business-oriented. Looking to establish a new web presence for your business? Look no further than the .biz extension! Whether you’re ready to launch your new business and brand online, reach buyers from all over the world, or create a community around your products, the .biz extension is for you! The .biz is the first and only online domain designed just for businesses of all sizes, all over the world.

Is the .biz domain right for me?

Do you own a business? If so, then yes, absolutely you should own a .biz domain, even if you already own a .com equivalent! Let your potential customers establish trust in your company by using the official domain of small and medium-sized businesses all over the world.

How to Choose a .biz Domain Name? (5 Tips to Do It Right)


Stay simple

Don’t get complicated. An easy-to-remember domain is always best.


Keep it on-brand

Stay true to your brand. Be distinct but choose a domain your audience will recognize.


Add now

Don’t wait until it’s too late. That perfect domain could be gone by tomorrow if you don’t grab it now.


Drop the hyphens

Just because the internet is high-tech doesn’t mean your domain name should be.


Consider your options

Grab similar domain names to protect your brand: .net, .org, .co, or even .photo.

Find a .biz domain alternative

.biz Domain Frequently Asked Questions