99.99% Uptime Guarantee

The hardware platform hosting your websites is designed with stability in mind. We guarantee that your website will be available 99.99% of the time in any given month, excluding scheduled or emergency maintenance or factors outside ChemiCloud's reasonable control.

100% Network Uptime

We guarantee that our Public Network will be available 100% of the time in a given month, excluding scheduled or emergency maintenance or factors outside of ChemiCloud's reasonable control.

Outage Credits

If we fall below the guaranteed uptime, we will compensate you as follows:

Compensation applies when uptime falls below 99.99%

99.99% - 99.00% uptime


1 free month

Additionally we will compensate with month of free hosting for every:

1% of uptime lost below 99.00%


+ 1 free month

Secure & Reliable Cloud Infrastructure

Hosting Plans for Every Website

From budget-friendly shared hosting to powerful virtual private servers, there's a solution for your website

Shared Hosting

The easiest and most affordable way to start and grow your website.

Starting at

WordPress Hosting

Get easy, affordable WordPress hosting beyond expectations.

Starting at

Reseller Hosting

Earn some cash and manage multiple websites with ease using WHM.

Starting at

VPS Hosting

Powerful cloud VPS hosting with dedicated resources & easy scaling.

Starting at

Not Exactly What You Are Looking For?

Contact us by writing message and explain what more do you need that you couldn’t find on our page, or chat with us right now!