Renews at $16.95 /yr$16.95/yr
Renews at $16.95 /yrThe .net.au domain extension is the country code second-level domain assigned to the country of Australia. The domain is widely used in Australia for commercial and non-commercial use, i.e. by individuals or non-profit organizations. Introduced in 1986 along with 7 other second-level domains for Australia, the domain extension is Australia’s second most popular extension.
The domain extension is perfect for a few reasons. First, .net.au is widely used as a secondary option to .com.au, so if you can’t get the domain you want on .com.au, you may have a better chance of getting it on .net.au. The extension is also popular for Internet Service Providers, websites that have “networks” of people or companies supporting them, tech companies, and tech-savvy individuals with a code portfolio and blog. When you’re launching your website in the Australian market, consider the .net.au domain and make it your own!
The .net.au domain is perfect for anyone in Australia who needs a website or creates and sells products or content to other individuals in Australia. Whether you’re a business selling shells from beautiful Bondi Beach, or you’re one of the latest breweries to open in Sydney, the .net.au domain extension is the perfect way to captivate your Australian audience.
Don’t get complicated. An easy-to-remember domain is always best.
Stay true to your brand. Be distinct but choose a domain your audience will recognize.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. That perfect domain could be gone by tomorrow if you don’t grab it now.
Just because the internet is high-tech doesn’t mean your domain name should be.
Grab similar domain names to protect your brand: .net, .org, .co, or even .photo.
If you plan to use the domain for commercial purposes, you will need to provide your ABN, trademark, or other proof of commercial identification in order to register the domain. If you are not planning to make money through your domain, then you will not need an ABN or equivalent and can register the domain.
Both domains will rank the same by default from all major search engines, including Google, so from that perspective, it makes no difference which you choose. What matters is personal preference. The .net.au domain is very popular in Australia, almost as popular as .com.au, and it is therefore recognized just the same. The domain is perfect for anyone looking for a unique Aussie domain!
At the request of the backend registrar for the .au namespace, domain privacy is not available for any .au domain, including .com.au, and .net.au.