Renews at $15.95 /yr$15.95/yr
Renews at $15.95 /yrThe .org domain is a top-level domain introduced in 1985 originally intended for miscellaneous organizations who at the time didn’t fit into the other 6 domain TLDs which were created. Currently, the TLD is commonly used by non-profit organizations, open-source projects, communities, but the extension has no registration requirements and is open to registration by anyone. Fun Fact: the registry that manages the .org domain, Public Interest Registry, announced in 2009 they would be the first open generic top-level domain (and the largest registry overall) to sign it’s DNS Zone with DNSSEC.
Is your brand looking to make a positive difference in the world? Why not do that with the ever-popular .org domain. With over 10 million .org domains registered, this long-established extension is perfect for your new domain. With that many domains using the .org extension, now is the time to make your mark on the internet with the perfect .org domain.
Lots of good causes are associated with .org, so if you're looking to change the world, or just make it that much brighter, the .org domain extension is perfect for your content. Millions of websites use the .org domain, including leading charities, art museums, educational institutes, science & technology organizations, zoological firms, and more. If your mission is to do good in the world, the .org domain is right for you!
Don’t get complicated. An easy-to-remember domain is always best.
Stay true to your brand. Be distinct but choose a domain your audience will recognize.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. That perfect domain could be gone by tomorrow if you don’t grab it now.
Just because the internet is high-tech doesn’t mean your domain name should be.
Grab similar domain names to protect your brand: .net, .org, .co, or even .photo.
No, there are no requirements to register a .org domain. Registering a .org domain doesn’t require that you be an organization or company. Any individual could register a .org domain and use it for their portfolio, blog, or personal website. So could any small, medium, or large business. The .org domain was intended for use by the public for the cases where the purpose of the domain may not fit into another domain extension.
You can register your .org domain with ChemiCloud today for 1,2,3 or 5 years. While you’re at it, did you know you can get that new .org domain for free, for life when you choose our fast, secure, and reliable cloud hosting platform? Check out our Plans and Pricing.
Yes, the .org domain extension is a credible and legitimate domain extension. It was one of the original 7 domain extensions created in 1985 and is intended for use by the public. Registration of .org domain names is open to anyone and many large social, scientific, and political organizations host their websites on the .org domain to this day.